Chapter by Chapter
Resources and Links for
Story of the World: Volume 2
Chapters 1-10
(Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please see Disclosure Policy.)
- Story of the World Volume 2 (We do an average of one chapter per week, but if chapters are unusually short we may double up in one week, or if there is a lot of content to cover, we extend into multiple weeks.)
- Story of the World Volume 2 Activity Book
- Story of the World Volume 2 Test and Answer Key Book
- Binder or notebook for notes, maps, lapbook pieces, timeline, tests, etc. (It’s helpful to keep everything together in one place.)
Activities are aimed specifically at elementary age
Activities for middle school age and up
Activities for high school age
Activities for both age ranges
Options for each chapter:
- Read chapter
- Answer review questions from activity book either written or orally (I usually write the questions in the notebook, leaving space between each for them to write the answers. It takes a little extra time to write the questions myself, but it helps me keep up to date with what they are learning and to know what to ask about.)
- Mapwork from activity book
- Coloring page
- Pick a craft project from activity book
- Timeline Entry or Timeline Cards (We stapled the printable timeline inside the back cover of the notebook and add pages as we need them by taping them to the last one. It will end up accordion-like.)
- Chapter Test
Chapter 1: The Glory that was Rome
(We skipped this chapter. We covered Rome well with the last book.)
- Glory that was Rome lapbook piece (pages 1-2)
Chapter 2: The Early Days of Britain
- Read about the Anglo-Saxons; read each tab, look at the pictures, and watch the videos (if working); then take the quiz in the activities box at the bottom of the page; (optional) play the game Hild and the Village Feast in the activities box
- Read What was it really like to live in the Middle Ages?, then click Enter to read about Feudal Life
- Read about Anglo-Saxon Life; read each tab, look at the pictures, and watch the videos (if working); then take the quiz in the activities box at the bottom of the page
- Read about Anglo-Saxon Kids; read each tab, look at the pictures, and watch the videos (if working); then take the quiz in the activities box at the bottom of the page
- Read about Anglo-Saxons Storytelling and pastimes; read each tab, look at the pictures, and watch the videos (if working); then take the quiz in the activities box at the bottom of the page
- Read about Anglo-Saxon Invasion and Settlement; read each tab, look at the pictures, and watch the videos (if working); then take the quiz in the activities box at the bottom of the page
- Watch Beowulf** (music video)
- Optional: Watch movie-Beowulf (PG-13; 2007)
- Early Days of Britain lapbook piece (page 3)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 3: Christianity Comes to Britain
- Read about Medieval Monasteries and take quiz
- Watch Life of St. Augustine of Canterbury**
- Watch Illuminated Manuscripts**
- Illumination Pattern coloring page (Activity book student page 13)
- Watch Crash Course World History #14: The Dark Ages**
- Watch Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives- Ep.2: The Monk**
- Christianity Comes to Britain Lapbook piece (pages 4-5)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 4: The Byzantine Empire
- Read about Justinian I
- Justinian the Great and Hagia Sophia Notebooking pages (optional for taking notes)
- Watch Byzantine Empire: Justinian and Theodora – From Swineherd to Emperor – Extra History – #1**
- Watch Byzantine Empire: Justinian and Theodora – The Reforms of Justinian – Extra History – #2**
- Watch Justinian and the Byzantine Empire; Comparing Roman and Byzantine Empires (If you create a Khan Academy account, it will keep track of what you’ve completed when you are signed in)
- Byzantine Empire Lapbook piece (page 6)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 5: The Medieval Indian Empire
- Watch All About Ajanta Caves**
- Watch Chandragupta, Ashoka and the Maurya Empire and Gupta Dynasty, read The Maurya and Gupta Empires, and Practice Key Concepts: Indian Empires (If you create a Khan Academy account, it will keep track of what you’ve completed when you are signed in)
- World Religions Fact Sheet for guided note-taking
- Medieval Indian Empire Lapbook piece (pages 7-8)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 6: The Rise of Islam
- World Religions Fact Sheet (for guided note-taking)
- Watch Introduction to Islam; Beginnings of Islam-Life of Muhammed; Practice-Key Concepts: Origins of Islam (If you create a Khan Academy account, it will keep track of what you’ve completed when you are signed in)
- Watch Crash Course World History #13- Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars**
- Rise of Islam Lapbook piece (pages 9-10)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 7: Islam Becomes an Empire
- Watch The Spread of Islam; Read The Rise of Islamic Empires & States; Watch Spread of Islamic Culture; Practice-Key Concepts: The Spread of Islam (If you create a Khan Academy account, it will keep track of what you’ve completed when you are signed in)
- Watch The Medieval Islamicate World: Crash Course History of Science #7**
- Islam Becomes an Empire Lapbook piece (pages 11-13)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 8: The Great Dynasties of China
- Optional: Ancient China Lapbook [for covering more details; same one used with SOTW 1: Ch. 10, 32-33]
- Watch Chinese Dynasties**
- Watch Chinese Imperial Dynasties; Watch Neo-Confucianism and Zhu Xi; Watch Prosperity in Song China; Practice-Key Concepts: Song China (If you create a Khan Academy account, it will keep track of what you’ve completed when you are signed in)
- Watch Medieval China: Crash Course History of Science #8**
- Great Dynasties Lapbook piece (pages 14-19)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 9: East of China
- Optional: Ancient Japan lapbook (from Homeschool Share)
- Medieval Japan information and lapbook pieces
- Watch a traditional Japanese Fan Dance**
- Watch Classical Japan (If you create a Khan Academy account, it will keep track of what you’ve completed when you are signed in)
- Locate Japan, China, and Korea on a wall map or globe
- East of China Lapbook piece (pages 20-22)
- Read about Ancient Japan, Clan Life in Japan, the Yamato Clan, and Japanese Feudalism
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
Chapter 10: The Bottom of the World
- Watch 7 Continents of the World **
- Locate Australia and its capital, Sydney, on a wall map or globe
- Watch 10 Amazing Facts about Australia**
- Bottom of the World Lapbook piece (pages 23-26)
- Additional books to add to weekly reading or for research:
(Last updated 09/30/2020)
I will continue to update as we work through these chapters and I find more resources to incorporate.
(Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please see Disclosure Policy.)
**YouTube occasionally has inappropriate content. Make sure to set the safety filter at the bottom of page to on or watch with children to be able to reload page, if something objectionable comes up.
If you come across any broken links or resources no longer available, send a message or comment on Facebook and I will get them fixed as soon as I can. Thanks!
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LOVE your chapter by chapter resources and links for Story of the World: Volume 2. I see that you have them for Chapters 1-30. Do you have that for Chapters 31-42. Such a great assortment of resources!
Still working on them, but hoping to have it posted soon. Thanks for reading! 🙂