Roman Holiday: A Family Vacation to Rome (Part 2)

Europe Italy Travel

(This is part 2 of A Vacation to Rome. You can read Part 1 here.)

Day 2 in Rome

For our second day in Rome, we took the train to the city center again. (C loved this part-trains are fun to him!)

After getting out of Roma Termini, we made our way to the hop-on-hop-off bus stop again. Having been past the first part of the route the previous day, I knew when to have my camera ready for pictures I had missed.

Like this fountain. I didn’t even remember seeing it before, but it was so pretty. So many of the roundabout intersections had fountains, sculptures, or other picturesque details. They truly were an interesting thing to look at.


We got off at a few stops to get a closer look at some of the buildings and fountains.


S had already been studying Ancient Rome for history, but getting to see Rome, see ruins of places that once stood, walking on roads that were first built thousands of years ago, really brought it alive for her. We took a guided walking tour specifically for families with kids so she could ask questions and hear the history explained while she was seeing what was being talked about.


This short (30-minute or so) walking tour ended at the Colosseum, with a bit of coverage about what it was used for, what different sections were, and about the upkeep for visitors to continue to see it.


This, of course, was the highlight of the visit. As one of the most famous and recognizable structures in the world, it was packed with tourists. It’s safe to say, out of everywhere we went, this was the busiest and most crowded. I mean, you can’t go to Rome and not go to see the Colosseum. (I guess technically, you could, but why would you?)


C was in full gladiator mode after hearing about the battles with each other and the animals they fought. He seemed to enjoy hearing about what the Colosseum was used for.

After another full day of hop-on-hop-off bus touring, a historical walking tour, and seeing the Colosseum, we were exhausted. We made our way back to our hotel to freshen up, then found a little pizzeria near the hotel for our last dinner in Rome. I have to say, it was some delicious pizza too! 🙂

(This is part 2 of A Vacation to Rome. You can read Part 1 here.)

Have you been to the Colosseum or Pompeii? I would love to know what you loved most about the visit, or what you would love to see if you’ve never been.Sa










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