Story of the World: Volume 2- Curriculum Plan, Resources and Links (Chapters 21-30)

Curriculum Homeschooling

Chapter by Chapter

Resources and Links for

Story of the World:

Volume 2 Chapters 21-30

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Activities are aimed specifically at elementary age

Activities for middle school age and up

Activities for high school age

Activities for both age ranges

(I will continue to update as we work through these chapters and I find more resources to incorporate, as well as add pictures.)

Options for each chapter:

  • Read chapter
  • Answer review questions from activity book either written or orally (I usually write the questions in the notebook, leaving space between each for them to write the answers. It takes a little extra time to write the questions myself, but it helps me keep up to date with what they are learning and to know what to ask about.)
  • Mapwork from activity book
  • Coloring page from activity book
  • Pick a craft project from activity book
  • Timeline Entry or Timeline Cards  (We stapled the printable timeline inside the back cover of the notebook and add pages as we need them by taping them to the last one. It will end up accordion-like.)
  • Chapter Test

Chapter 21: The Mongols Devastate the East

  • Watch Crash Course World History- Wait for it…The Mongols #17**
  • Watch Time Warp Trio- You Can’t but Genghis Khan**

Chapter 22: Exploring the Mysterious East

  • Watch Crash Course World History- International Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, and the Indian Ocean Trade #18**

Chapter 23: The First Russians

  • Watch Crash Course World History- Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols #20**

Chapter 24: The Ottoman Empire

Chapter 25: The End of the World

  • Watch Crash Course World History 2- Disease 203**

Chapter 26: France and England At War

  • Read about Joan of Arc (there are various activities below reading including test about reading, puzzles, word search, coloring, etc. to choose from as well)
  • Watch Joan of Arc for Kids**

Chapter 27: War for the English Throne

Chapter 28: The Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal

  • Watch The Animated History of Spain**

Chapter 29: African Kingdoms

  • Watch Crash Course World History #16: Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa**

Chapter 30: India Under the Moghuls

(Last updated 09/30/2020)

I will continue to update with pictures and additional resources as we work through these chapters and I find more resources to incorporate. If you come across any links that no longer work, please let me know in a Facebook comment and I will fix it as soon as I can.

(Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please see Disclosure Policy.)
**YouTube occasionally has inappropriate content. Make sure to set the safety filter at the bottom of page to on or watch with children to be able to reload page, if something objectionable comes up.
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