My family loves theme parks. I mean REALLY LOVES! From big amusement parks with huge crazy roller coasters to little play parks without rides, but plenty to climb on. We’ve been to Six Flags (a couple of them), Disneyland, Legoland (California and Germany), various Fairytale Lands, and more. Recently, we went to PlayMobil FunPark in Zirndorf, Germany. As we are in the process of moving back to the United States because of my husband getting out of the Army, we have been trying to take advantage of what last little bit of tourism we can do. Anyway, back to PlayMobil. We went to celebrate Cap’n C’s 6th birthday. We’ve actually been here once before, for Cap’n C’s 5th birthday, but since the hubby was deployed then, we thought it would be fun to go again. Cap’n C was all for it, since he’d been asking to go again for nearly a year.

There are themed areas including a construction site and quarry, Noah’s Ark, a castle, dinosaurs, an old western town, a balancing course, a pirate ship, and so much more. The great thing is, the kids can climb on and play with everything! I loved that Cap’n C and Miss S were more than happy to run, climb, and play here for hours. There were no electronic rides or shows. No 3D (or 4D!) visual effects. It was just plain and simple, old-fashioned, use your imagination fun. And the kids LOVED it! I call that a win. Now, of course we can’t wait to start traveling around Montana and visiting museums, battlefields, dinosaur dig sites, and everything we can.