Chapter by Chapter Resources and Links for Story of the World: Volume 3 Chapters 1-10

Curriculum Homeschooling

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Activities are aimed at elementary age

Activities for middle school age and up

Activities for high school age range

Activities for both age ranges

(I will continue to update as we work through these chapters and I find more resources to incorporate, as well as add pictures. Starting with this book,we also added vocabulary work to each chapter. At some point, I will go back and add vocabulary to the earlier chapters and books as well.)

Options for each chapter:

  • Read chapter
  • Answer review questions from activity book either written or orally (I usually write the questions in the notebook, leaving space between each for them to write the answers. It takes a little extra time to write the questions myself, but it helps me keep up to date with what they are learning and to know what to ask about.)
  • Vocabulary (I got this Free Vocabulary Resource Pack from Homeschool Giveaways to have a place to write the words and it has a few different page options to choose what you like/think will work best for your child.)
  • Map work from activity book
  • Coloring page from activity book
  • Pick a craft project from activity book
  • Timeline Entry or Timeline Cards  (We stapled the printable timeline inside the back cover of the notebook and add pages as we need them by taping them to the last one. It will end up accordion-like.)
  • Chapter Lapbook pages (Credit- I found and downloaded the lapbook pages from a blog that is no longer online-Run of the Mill Family. I did not create these pieces and am not taking credit for them, but I still wanted to share them as a great resource.)
  • Chapter Test


  • Vocabulary: explorer, continent,
  • Copy oceans limerick into notebook (P.11)
  • List the 5 oceans and 7 continents in notebook or label them on a map

Ch.1 A World of Empires

  • Vocabulary: conquistador, encomienda, (for younger kids, you could just talk about/introduce the word without writing it, while older kids could write the words in notebook along with definitions)
  • Lapbook piece (P.2- Link above in Options for each chapter)
  • Watch ‘Crash Course US History #1- The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards’

Ch. 2 Protestant Rebellions

  • Vocabulary: provinces, dikes, petition, regent
  • Watch ‘Ten Minute History-The Dutch Revolt (Short Documentary)’**
  • Watch ‘Mary, Queen of Scots-Biography’**
  • Europe Countries Map Quiz Game (Don’t worry about a low score. The more you do it, the better you will get.)
  • Watch Witchcraft: Crash Course European History #10** (This video isn’t specifically related to this chapter, but happened over the time period of the last dozen or so chapters. This topic hasn’t specifically been mentioned in the book.)
  • Watch Dutch Golden Age: Crash Course European History #15**

Ch. 3 James, King of Two Countries

  • Vocabulary: coronation, Parliament, colony
  • Read about Jamestown Settlement
  • Watch ‘King James, History Videos for Kids’**
  • Watch ‘Jamestown Settlement-Jamestown Colony’**
  • Read about Jamestown Fort
  • Build a triangle shaped fort (like Jamestown)you could use cardboard, popsicle sticks,toothpicks, etc.
  • Watch ‘America-The Story of US: Life in Jamestown**
  • Watch English Civil War: Crash Course European History #14**

Ch. 4 Searching for the Northwest Passage

  • Vocabulary: scurvy, adventurous, mutiny, channel
  • Read about Samuel Champlain
  • Watch ‘Samuel de Champlain-Explorer-Mini Bio’**
  • Read about Henry Hudson
  • Watch ‘Henry Hudson-Explorer-Mini Bio’**
  • Watch ‘Manhattan-What Henry Hudson Saw in 1609’**

Ch. 5 Warlords of Japan

  • Vocabulary: daimyo, peddler, rebellious
  • Watch ‘The 3 Great Unifiers of Japan’ **
  • Watch ‘Warring States Japan: Sengoku Jidai – Battle of Okehazama – Extra History – #1’ **
  • Watch ‘Warring States Japan: Sengoku Jidai – The Siege of Inabayama Castle – Extra History – #2’ **

Ch. 6 New Colonies in the New World

  • Watch ‘Crash Course US History #3- The Natives and the English’**
  • Watch ‘Crash Course US History #4- The Quakers, The Dutch, and the Ladies’ **

Ch. 7 The Spread of Slavery

  • Vocabulary- wretched, tobacco, indentured servant, slave
  • Read about Colonial America: (Page has a link for a 10-question quiz at the bottom)
  • Read about Indentured Servants in the US
  • Complete a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting Slavery vs. Indentured Servants (This printable is a free download with a Teachers Pay Teachers membership- which is also free)
  • Khan Academy: Unit: Era 5 – The First Global Age (1200 to 1750 CE)- 5.3 The Colombian Exchange
  • Read Smoking Stinks! from Kids Health
  • Watch ‘Queen Nzinga of Ndongo & Matamba’**

Ch. 8 The Middle of the East

  • Vocabulary- empire, quarrel
  • Watch Eastern Europe Consolidates: Crash Course European History #16**

Ch. 9 The Western War

  • Vocabulary- defenestration, electors, covetous
  • Watch ‘Crash Course World History #219- Charles V and the Holy Roman Empire’**
  • Europe Countries Map Quiz Game (Don’t worry about a low score. The more you do it, the better you will get.)
  • Watch The 17th Century Crisis: Crash Course European History #11**
  • Lapbook piece(P.10)

Ch. 10 Far East of Europe

(Last updated 10/01/2020)

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**YouTube occasionally has inappropriate content. Make sure to set the safety filter at the bottom of page to on or watch with children to be able to reload page, if something objectionable comes up.
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