Books and Blogs: What I’ve Been Reading This Month (September 2015)

Blogging DIY Family Life

Wow! Our first month back-to-homeschool is done. I can’t believe how fast it went and what’s even better is the kids feel the same way. They’ve been enjoying their curriculum and the topics, which is always a plus. Miss S has even had a light bulb moment, where she had been struggling to understand something for days, then all of a sudden it clicked. She was so excited, there may have been a little bit of dancing! 🙂

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Unfortunately for me, with the chaos of adjusting to the new routines of school, scouts, gymnastics, AWANA, and my husband’s school and work, there hasn’t been a lot of free reading time for me. I still try though. My husband recently completed a school to become a hunting guide, so most of our plans now are focused on making that career choice a reality for him and us. We have been toying with the idea of buying an RV and living full-time in that to give us more freedom and flexibility in both school and jobs my husband can take, without sacrificing our family being together, so most of my reading has been in that area this month.

I checked out everything our library had and have been scouring the internet for websites, blogs, and other book recommendations. There is no such thing as enough research when you are considering changing your whole way of life.

Living Aboard Your RV– This book covered so much- from myth vs. realities, different types of RVs, costs, kids, working from the road, maintenance, and so much more. Honestly, I think the hardest part will be downsizing, but the more I read and research, the more I like the idea. (The one I read was Third Edition, but there is now a Fourth Edition out.)

RV Living in the 21st Century– This book also covered different types of RVs and general costs of living in an RV, but this one went more in-depth on storage, utilizing space and unused space, towing tips, and buying an RV.

The Happy Housewife– She has a great series going on right now, 100 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts. If you are looking for some wonderful ideas for homemade gift ideas, it’s a great list to check out. I’m not very crafty, but she is listing so many great ideas, that even someone like me can find something that would be fun to make. Plus, she’s always got great recipe ideas when I’m in just drawing a complete blank on what to make for dinner.

And of course, something school related…I decided to try out Lessontrek for keeping track of lesson plans, grades, and such. This is the first year Miss S has high school level classes, so I wanted to be sure to have a way to have courses and grades easily able to be converted into a transcript or report card as needed. I’m still learning how it all works and so far love most everything about it. The one thing I do wish it had was an attendance tab, to keep track of days and hours. For each subject you can input how many hours are required for the year, but there isn’t a way to see how many hours are completed (unless I just haven’t found it yet).

What have you been reading recently? Let me know in the comments what books and blogs you recommend.

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