Chapter by Chapter
Resources and Links for
Story of the World Volume 1
Chapters 21-30
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- Story of the World Volume 1 (We do an average of one chapter per week, but if chapters are unusually short we may double up in one week, or if there is a lot of content to cover, we extend into multiple weeks.)
- Story of the World Volume 1 Activity Book
- Story of the World Volume 1 Test and Answer Key Book
- Binder or notebook for notes, maps, lapbook pieces, timeline, tests, etc. (It’s helpful to keep everything together in one place.)
Activities are aimed at elementary age
Activities for middle school age and up
Activities for high school age
Activities for all age ranges
For each chapter:
- Read chapter
- Answer review questions from activity book either written or orally (I usually write the questions in the notebook, leaving space between each for them to write the answers. It takes a little extra time to write the questions myself, but it helps me keep up to date with what they are learning and to know what to ask about.)
- Map work from activity book
- Coloring page
- Pick a craft project from activity book
- Timeline Entry or Timeline Cards (We stapled the printable timeline inside the back cover of the notebook and add pages as we need them by taping them to the last one. It will end up accordion-like.)
- Chapter Test
Chapter 21: The Medes and the Persians
- Watch History Summarized: Ancient Persia** (heads up-he does use the word @$$)
- Watch Beginning of the Greco-Persian Wars (Don’t forget to sign in)
- The Medes and the Persians Lapbook piece
- Additional books for reading or research:

Chapter 22: Sparta and Athens
- Optional: Continue Ancient Greece Lapbook from Chapter 20
- Read Greek Government through Sparta
- Watch History Summarized- Ancient Greece**
- Read about City-States
- Watch Athens and Sparta**
- Read about Athens ; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Read about Sparta; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Watch What Life Was Really Like for the Average Spartan**
- Make a Venn Diagram in notebook (or print one here and glue into notebook); Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens
- Read about Greek Arts and Theater; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Read about the Olympic Games; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Try making a Greek recipe
- Sparta and Athens Lapbook piece
- We have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to Athens, while stationed in Germany. We took some time to look back over photos from those travels and remember what we saw.
- Additional books for reading or research:
Chapter 23: The Greek Gods
- Optional: Continue Ancient Greece Lapbook from Chapter 20
- Read What are myths?
- Read more about the Greek Gods and Heroes; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Watch Greek Gods**
- Watch Greek Gods Explained in 12 Minutes**
- Read Temple of Artemis to Temple of Zeus
- Greek Gods and Goddesses Word Search (Activity book: Student page 72) or Choose a word search, crossword puzzle or word scramble
- The Greek Gods lapbook piece [Caleb just cut out the information for each god and glued it all on one page in his notebook]
- Additional books for reading or research:
Chapter 24: The Wars of the Greeks
- Optional: Continue Ancient Greece Lapbook from Chapter 20
- Read about the Greeks at War; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Read Sea and Ships about Greek ships; Take quiz in activities box at bottom
- Play Adventures in Ancient Greece; go to all the places across the bottom
- Interactive: Click on Ancient Greece and go through each section
- Explore more about Ancient Greece
- Read The Peloponnesian War
- Watch Greco-Persian Wars (Complete)-Ancient History** (about 27 minutes)
- Watch Second Persian Invasion, Prelude to the Peloponnesian War and the Pelopennesian War (Don’t forget to sign in)
- Wars of the Greeks lapbook piece
- Additional books for reading or research:
Chapter 25: Alexander the Great
- Read from Socrates to Alexander Spreads Greek Culture
- Read about Aristotle (tutor to Alexander)
- Watch World Ahoy-Alexander the Great**
- Watch Crash Course World History #8: Alexander the Great**
- Watch Philip of Macedon unifies Greece, Alexander the Great Takes Power, and Alexander the Great Conquers Persia (Don’t forget to sign in)
- Watch Plato and Aristotle: Crash Course History of Science #3**
- Alexander the Great lapbook piece
- Additional books for reading or research:
Chapter 26: The People of the Americas
- Look at some pictures of Nazca drawings, try drawing one yourself in your notebook
- Read from Ancient America to Villages Develop
- Read from Ancient America to Villages Develop
- Watch Pre-contact Americas, read The Olmec, and answer questions (Don’t forget to sign in)
- Watch The Americas and Time Keeping: Crash Course History of Science #5**
- People of the Americas lapbook piece
- If you can find an episode of Expedition Unknown: Secrets of the Nazca, we find it to be a pretty interesting show
- Additional books for reading or research:
Chapter 27: The Rise of Rome
- Optional: Ancient Rome Lapbook (Can also use for Ch.28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 39, & 40)
- Find Italy on a map or globe (or use this one); then find Rome on the map or globe
- Watch Romulus and Remus, The Story of**
- Read from Ancient Rome to The Patricians
- Read about Rome, take City of Rome quiz at bottom
- Here is an interactive map of the Roman Empire; click the boxes along the bottom to see how much it grew over time
- Watch A Day in the Life of a 10-year old in Roman Britain**
- Watch The Roman Empire- Episode 1: The Rise of the Roman Empire (History Documentary)** (52 min.; I would pre-screen for content before showing; better for older children)
- Try making an Italian recipe for dinner [These are not specific to the time period, just the region of the world]
- Watch Overview of the Roman Empire (Don’t forget to sign in)
- Rise of Rome lapbook piece
- While studying Ancient Rome, we took some time to look back over photos from a trip we took there while stationed in Germany. That is when these photos were taken.
- Additional books for reading or research:
If you are planning a trip to Italy and looking for ideas, check out 100 Best Things to Do in Italy
Chapter 28: The Roman Empire
- Watch Crash Course #10: The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or…Which Was It?**
- Watch Roman Mythology**
- Read about Roman Religion; take quiz in activities box
- Watch Colosseum-Fun Fact Series**
- Read about Roman Roads and Places; take quiz in activities box
- Watch How Romans made roads (Are We There Yet: Guide to Roads)**
- Watch Roman Aqueducts**
- Read about Roman Technology; take quiz in activities box
- Read about Roman Buildings
- Construct an aqueduct
- While in Rome, we took the opportunity to have a tour through the Colosseum and have a guide tell us a little more about the history. These photos are from that tour.
- Watch Gladiator Training**
- Watch Time Warp Trio-See You Later, Gladiator**
- Watch The Roman Empire – Episode 2: Legions of Conquest (History Documentary)** (52 min.; I would pre-screen for content before showing; better for older kids)
- Watch Roman Engineering: Crash Course History of Science #6**
- Roman Empire lapbook piece
- Additional books for reading or research:
Chapter 29: Rome’s War with Carthage
- Read about the Roman Army; take quiz in activities box
- Interactive-Dress a Roman Soldier
- Read about Roman Family and Children; take quiz in activities box
- Read about Roman Leisure (free time); take quiz in activities box
- Read about Roman Religion; take quiz in activities box
- Make a Roman Mosaic online
- Watch Background of the Carthaginians and Punic Wars Between Rome and Carthage (Don’t forget to sign in)
- Rome’s War with Carthage lapbook piece
- Watch The Roman Empire- Episode 3: Seduction of Power (History Documentary)** (52 min.; I would pre-screen for content before showing; better for older children)
Chapter 30: The Aryans of India
[We skipped this chapter.]
- Aryans of India lapbook piece
(Updated 09/30/2020)
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If you come across any broken links or resources no longer available, leave a comment on the Facebook page and I will get them fixed as soon as I can. Thanks!
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